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What makes VanCamperHQ different from the thousands of van camper websites on the internet?The vast majority of van camper related websites have a relatively narrow focus. Many are smaller blogs that get updated haphazardly. Others are stores that cater to the van camper community. And there are countless videos on YouTube. But nothing brings it all together -- especially for people researching a purchase or newer owners. My Buyers Guide is also the most thorough, up-to-date publication out there.
What makes you qualified to advise on such an important purchase/ownership decision?I am a van camper owner and RVer with more than a decade of experience. Even more importantly, though, I am a compulsive researcher and have been working towards the goal of collating and synthesizing all the knowledge and expertise that's out there into this site. Much of my knowledge comes from my own experience, but a healthy dose comes from others through my engagement in RV forums and various Facebook Groups and countless YouTube videos. In other words, I've done -- and continue to do -- all the research for you, which includes the super important work of deciding what NOT to include on the site. This has also been my full time job for the past year.
Do the Buyers Guide and Interactive Van Finder Tool include every Class B RV on the market?No. Part of my Guide's value is that it maximizes your chances of making the right choice for such a big investment. That means choosing a van camper that (1) is reasonably available, (2) suits your particular travel needs, and (3) meets minimum standards for quality and reliability. My database of options therefore excludes certain manufacturers and models that can't meet those criteria.
What format is the Buyers Guide? Can I download it?As an e-book with photos and active links, the Buyers Guide is designed to be read on screen, ideally from a tablet, laptop or desktop and not a phone. It cannot be downloaded. If you need a particular accommodation, though, please reach out to me directly.
What's the value in booking a video consultation?While the answer depends somewhat on how you like to research and learn, generally a video consultation will accelerate your research and buying process because the entire Buyers Guide is already in my head as a ready reference!
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